In the early days of microcomputing, Dr. Murdick wrote a manual on computer use, Perfect Writer / Perfect Speller on the Kaypro, which was published by PeopleTalk Express of Plano, TX. The rest of his book publications have addressed writing issues.
The Portable Business Writer – Houghton Mifflin, 1999
The Portable Technical Writer – Houghton Mifflin, 2001
A Student Guide to College Composition – Jain Publishing, 2003
Writing and Reasoning – Jain Publishing, 2006
Teaching College Composition: A Practical Guide for New Instructors – Jain Publishing, 2013
“What English Teachers Need to Know about Grammar” (English Journal)
“Art, Writing and Politics” (Art Education)
“Evolution of a Writing Center” (Writing Center Journal)
“Placing Whole Language in a Workshop Setting” (English Leadership Quarterly)
“Beyond Testing: University and Business Leaders Develop a Portfolio Program” (Portfolio News)
“Using Collaborative Writing Pedagogy in the Art Classroom” (ERIC)
“Modernizing WAC” (Writing and Learning)
“Teaching Writing the Way We Teach Art” (WPCTE 1989 Yearbook)
15 Articles for Profiles, a computer magazine. For example: